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NYC licensed guides are the best 'bang-for-your-tourism-buck.' Take the time to learn what our members have to offer. A GANYC member will help you make the most of your time. We also have a wide variety of multilingual guides to aid all international travelers on any service they need.

GANYC members are solely responsible for the content of their profiles on this site.

The designation Certified Guide means the marked individual guide has successfully completed and fulfilled all the requirements of GANYC's professional development program that focuses on how to research, plan, and conduct high-quality tours. These guides are authorized to use the designation, "GANYC certified guide."

Certified Guide
Mike Grant As a full-time licensed New York Guide since 2008, it is a privilege to be a good-will representative for the city of my birth. In February 2014, I received a Tour Director's certification from International Tour Management Institute (ITMI). Licensed Washington DC Tour Guide. Among my leadership… Read More
Paloma Moro Hernandez Enamorada de NY desde la primera vez que nos vimos, he tenido la suerte de poder disfrutar la Ciudad en múltiples ocasiones como visitante, y finalmente, hacer realidad ese sueño que es convertirse en un verdadero New Yorker. Acompáñenme para conocer Nueva York en español, como nunca lo habían… Read More
Art Zuckerman I am a retired teacher, have had managerial positions in corporate America and have run a successful computer company.  Along with my wife, also a licensed guide, we host a radio show called "Z Travel and Leisure" which focuses on New York City, travel and cultural topics.  We have also… Read More
Jocelyn Taub I am a native New Yorker whose connection to the city began at Ellis Island when my grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe.   My background is in promotion and marketing within the music business, radio and sports. I am therefore very well versed in the history of sports and music in New… Read More