
The GANYC Public Relations Committee works to promote GANYC and its various initiatives, its members, and our a role as a leader in the crucial NYC tourism industry. We do this through various social media platforms, website Blog, press releases, media interviews and appearances, and more.

Our guides have unique stories to share about all five boroughs. We partner with national and worldwide travel industries as well as local establishments.

Media Assistance:
For our latest news, visit the GANYC Blog.
You can see also see our Facebook, X, Threads, Instagram, and LinkedIn. And our YouTube.
For five-borough imagery and GANYC members in action, go to our media library
To browse our association or to find or book a licensed tour guide visit:
Industry Partner inquiries, email chair Bob Gelber at
Press Inquiries: GANYC is eager to comment on any story regarding the tourism trade in New York City. In addition, the GANYC PR team can connect journalists with any of our member guides. For inquiries, email chair Jeremy Wilcox at