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NYC licensed guides are the best 'bang-for-your-tourism-buck.' Take the time to learn what our members have to offer. A GANYC member will help you make the most of your time. We also have a wide variety of multilingual guides to aid all international travelers on any service they need.

GANYC members are solely responsible for the content of their profiles on this site.

The designation Certified Guide means the marked individual guide has successfully completed and fulfilled all the requirements of GANYC's professional development program that focuses on how to research, plan, and conduct high-quality tours. These guides are authorized to use the designation, "GANYC certified guide."

Certified Guide
Kyle Hand Kyle Hand holds a Master's degree in Screen Studies from Brooklyn College's Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema. For his thesis, he both analyzed and created virtual reality videos on New York City history (link above). Following his academic journey, he learned that history is best communicated in… Read More
Nirupama Zaveri    My name is Nirupama (Neetu) Zaveri. I was born and nurtured in India, but for the past 24 years I have lived in New York. I was a global banker for 20 years and gave up my corparte job to lead tours in US and worldwide. I am a  NYC + DC guide and I am fluent in several languages.… Read More
Gardiner Comfort I am a native New Yorker, an actor, and teacher with a unique, friendly, and performative approach to touring. I am highly knowledgeable about known, and lesser known, historical and cultural aspects of New York City. As a performer, I am great at reading people and can provide a fun, informative, and welcoming tour for any group of people, regardless of age or special interest. Read More
Maria-Leena Kerr I'm a native Dane who decided in 2006 to make New York City my home. Thirteen trips later I moved here, and I now call myself a professional NYC tourist and tour guide. I hold two degrees in hotel and tourism, manage an online concierge service for Danish tourists and speak fluently Danish and… Read More
GANYC Certified Guide Yue Wang Hey, this is hermit wang, my Chinese name is yue wang. I have been living in New York City for almost 14 years. I was born in Beijing China, but I set my family in New York City. The city is my mother town now. There are many museums in this city, some of them are brilliant, such as MET MOMA and… Read More
Alex Demac      I am a native New Yorker who knows the City from the perspectives of child and adult, walker and rider and biker, student and teacher, parent and youngster.         My particular areas of focus are the Metropolitan Museum, Central Park, Grand Central… Read More
Ed Perlmutter I am a lifelong New Yorker and a native of Brooklyn, and I have spent most of my career in information technology in the financial industry.    However, since 2011 I have been a license NYC tour guide so I could do something I passionately enjoy --- to use my extensive… Read More
Richard Sanford Richard Sanford our Lingo Planet guide specializes in language immersion tours in The Big Apple...all by bicycle! Whether you want to practice your English, Spanish, Italian or Mandarin Chinese or are a native speaker of one of those languages you'll find a tour that is just right for you… Read More
Karen Brueckner My background in customer service, travel and education has motivated and inspired me to become a tour guide. New York is where I was born, where I feel most alive and connected with the world. When you walk with me, you will feel energized by not only the narrative but with stops along the way to… Read More
Asad Dandia I am a born-and-bred New Yorker who leads unique experiences covering communities and themes not offered by anyone else. I have led tours for a range of seekers, from second graders to corporate staff to university students and faculty.

Check out my storytelling project, New York Narratives (www.newyorknarratives.com) to learn more. Or write to me directly at asad@newyorknarratives.com.

I can't wait to immerse you into my city!
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Jason Thompson Hello viewer - My name is Jason Thompson and I'm a lifelong resident of this fair city. I've had the full New York experience from specialized high school attendence to being a victim of gentrification to ignoring showtime on the subway! I run my own Sightseeing Theater tour called "Tour Noir: A… Read More
GANYC Certified Guide Susan Soler Susan is a native New Yorker.  She is passionate about this city.  She is ready to explore what this city has to offer, focusing on the joy and the senses that her tour can bring. Read More
José Francisco Ávila José Francisco Ávila is a NYC licensed tour guide, author and publisher, social justice activist, he is author of the books Garifuna Ancestry: and Pan-Garifuna Afro-Latino Power of Pride.

He is the founder of the Garifuna Experience in NYC website, a NYC Garifuna tourism destination brand. The vision is to position New York City as the Epicenter of the Garifuna Arts and Garifuna Culture, showcasing it as a vibrant destination for travelers.
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Tony Chen Tony Chen has been working in the travel industry for over 16 years sharing his passion for history and helping others discover what is special about the place they are visiting. Currently an undergraduate student at Columbia University, General Studies under the major of American History, Tony is… Read More
Mitch Paluszek A proud Board Member of GANYC. A proud retired City employee. A proud lover of this amazing City! Read More
Michael Kaback Michael Kaback;Born and Raised in NYC, I spent my entire career in the garment industry, over 50 years. I do educational history walking tours of the Fashion District and the Flatiron district, for individuals and groups. Read More
Frederique Antoinette Barbier I am a licensed tour guide in NYC and Washington, D.C., and have over 15 years of experience in tourism.  I specialize in private, made to measure tours for individuals and small groups, opera/cultural tours, incentive & corporate travel, and medical conventions.  Born in Switzerland… Read More
Eric Thomas Eric P. Thomas, tras una carrera de más de 35 años en la industria de viajes y turismo de EE. UU., ha desarrollado una reputación de experiencia en la programación de Visit USA. New York City, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Niagara Falls, Boston, Eastern Canada.

Guia licenciado de New York y Washington DC

Con fluidez nativa en inglés y español, Thomas lanzó su carrera profesional en la década de 1980 con City Tours USA, un operador turístico receptivo que se estableció como una pequeña empresa familiar que atendía visitantes principalmente de América del Sur, pero que ha crecido hasta convertirse en uno de los operadores turísticos receptivos más grandes de EE. UU. Con sede en el norte de Nueva Jersey.
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GANYC Certified Guide Jonathan Turer Visitors say my tours are “witty” “fun” “informative” and “fascinating.” And this: “For 5 1/2 hours we did not want to miss a thing he said and more importantly, neither did our two teenagers. Now that is a feat!” and “My wife was born and raised in NYC and ... even she learned a whole bunch about… Read More
Kathleen Kobylarz Helping German and French speaking guests is my passion. As a lifelong resident of the NYC metropolitan area, I look forward to working with you soon!       Read More
Harvey Paul Davidson CHME, CMP Emeritus See New York City with a native son. Harvey Davidson was born and raised in Brooklyn and attended its public schools and colleges. While in high school, he worked part-time as a messenger and learned the city streets and ins and outs of Manhattan’s neighborhoods. Later work assignments made him… Read More
Maggie Browne A born and bred New Yorker having lived in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Roosevelt Island. A passion for New York, food, music, theater, museums, the arts. Signature tours include "Where Broadway Shops," "Underground Artist Tour" and "College Neighborhood Tours." Happy to tailor tours to the… Read More
Erika Becker Born and educated in Austria, I worked in fashion in Paris, London and New York. After leaving the fashion industry in New York, I made a career change to the tourism industry, which I have been involved with for the last 17 years. I welcome small groups for New York City walking tours - on foot,… Read More
Lili Murad Hellooooo…. New York has been my playground for the last 35 years. I have lived in every borough (OK, apart from Staten Island, although I was born in the sister state of New Jersey, so…). My family's story is the classic immigrant's odyssey, beginning in Ellis Island, spanning the rich history of… Read More
GANYC Certified Guide Linda Fisher I was born in Staten Island, grew up in the Bronx, lived in Brooklyn in the '70s, Manhattan in the '80s and have resided in Queens for 30 years.  I've had my license since 1996, and specialize in neighborhood walking tours, focusing on local history and the "real people" of New York.   Read More
Myra Alperson I sometimes describe myself as a "professional amateur." An amateur is someone who truly LOVES what she does. And that's the story of my life as a food tour guide in NYC. Since 1983 I've been leading unusual, cutting-edge food tours. I go to many neighborhoods that no other food tours go to. Since… Read More
Lyall Croft Lyall’s love for history is a lifelong pursuit and his research while writing tours is extensive. A Tour Guide for fifteen years, Lyall’s experience in tourism blossomed from being the owner of Boston Bike Tours (1999 to 2011), pioneering the bicycle tour industry in Boston. His tours are based on… Read More
Sy Lukin Native New Yorker who likes to share his love of the city. NYC walking tours for history, food and architecture. Big Apple Greeter. Read More
Beti Rozencwajg I was born in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and have lived in the United States over 30 years. Besides being fluent in Portuguese and English, I speak several languages and have lived in other countries such as Mexico and Israel. Besides English, I do tours in Portuguese and Spanish. I am also an author of children's books. Please see website below. Read More
Mike Grant As a full-time licensed New York Guide since 2008, it is a privilege to be a good-will representative for the city of my birth. In February 2014, I received a Tour Director's certification from International Tour Management Institute (ITMI). Licensed Washington DC Tour Guide. Among my leadership… Read More
GANYC Certified Guide Rita DeCassia I was born in Rio de Janeiro, and moved to New York City as a young woman, but I can say that I truly grew up here. Because of my fluency in many languages, friends encouraged me to become a tourist guide. Which opened an ongoing life of discoveries. And I love to share the complexities of our… Read More
Walter Hoffman I am a native New Yorker who has been leading tours all over this city for just about ten years now. I have walking history tours in all of the five boroughs. Read More
George Barabas  Do you want to discover what makes New York a city like no other- a vibrant, diverse metropolis with a fascinating history and a constantly evolving face? Let me, a  life-long  New York City educator and Licensed Sightseeing Tour Guide, be your guide to the many… Read More
Debbie Wells Debbie Wells, President of Artful Buzz brings the NYC art world, including art galleries, museums, artist studios, art organizations, etc) directly to you with her engaging and enthusiastic style! You get the insider's perspective from a native New Yorker who has been an art and design professional for years. Also check out www.artfulbuzz.com to register for her free e-newsletter, Artful Morning Brew filled with original commentary and more! Read More
GANYC Certified Guide John Semlak My name is John Semlak.  I'm a tour guide, historian, and photographer.   I give tours in a wide range of areas.  I have experiecne in bus tours all over the city, escorted tours, and tours of popular attractions like the Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 Memorial, the High Line,… Read More
Heidi Zsa Zsa Benedikt I decided to become a licensed tour guide after the attacks of Sept 11, 2001. Strange to say I have the greatest job from the worst day in New Yorks history.  Read More
Michael Koenig Born and raised, third generation New Yorker who loves to help visitors make the most of their time in the city. Over the years I have worked with student, adult and corporate groups, helping them to enjoy the city on their Motorcoach, on foot or by the subway. I firmly believe you should have… Read More