Patrick van Rosendaal author of the besteller BE NY an alumnus of the prestigious Vlerick business school and had seen quite a few corners of the world before he decided to move to New York. As a former Parisian and Londoner, big city life no longer held any secrets. Then his life took an unexpected turn. Patrick followed his heart to the United States, but lost it to New York City. He promptly swapped his wedding ring for true love and settled down with Lady Liberty. A woman with limitless potential and tantalizing appeal. But also a true diva that would surely play hard to get.
It wasn’t long before Patrick’s interest in New York evolved into a real passion. The urge to share this passion with his countrymen further motivated his decision to become a professional tour guide. He successfully tackled the official exam and started his career as a tour guide on the famous Gray Line Buses and at Bike and Roll, the leading company for bike tours in New York City. During his time there, Patrick managed to gather and hone all the necessary skills that would prove invaluable during the process of setting up his own company, BE NY (
Our specialty is to offer tours for Belgians By Belgians.