GANYC Year In Review

GANYC wishes everyone a Happy New Year! We look forward to a wonderful year ahead of tourism in the greatest city in the world. 2025 is the 400th anniversary of the city, dating back to the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam. Stay tuned for lots of great events.
But first, we want to recap GANYC's 2024, which was our 50th anniversary year:
-GANYC received a mayoral proclamation naming March 1st, 2024 as “Guides Association of New York City Day,” in honor of our anniversary, and in recognition for our work in representing our city to millions of visitors each year.
-We organized 40 FAM (familiarization) tours across the 5 boroughs for 480 member guests. These member benefits help guides learn from their colleagues, and network as well.
-We co-organized a job fair with TripCon that introduced 200 attendees to more than 50 companies offering work across the city and the country.
-We held monthly meetings across the city, with a variety of guest speakers, recorded and archived on our YouTube channel.
-This all in addition to our helping provide liability insurance to working guides, numerous networking opportunities, and political advocacy for our crucial NYC industry.
-We revised our by-laws to remove the provisional member category that had applied to newer members. Now all GANYC members have equal standing. This is part of our efforts to be a more open and inclusive organization for all guides, new and experienced alike.
If you are a licensed New York City sightseeing guide, we encourage you to apply to GANYC and join a network of guides that works to increase the support and recognition of our field. We look forward to helping make NYC's 2025 great.